Leaders in bagging and palletizing
Specialists in Bagging, palletizing and stretch wrapping
TMI le ofrece una amplia gama de soluciones de final de línea, con equipos de ensacado, paletizado y enfardado.
TMI, pioneers in the manufacture of bagging, palletizing and stretch wrapping machinery. With a strong commitment to innovation, its goal is to provide complete bagging lines with the latest advances in industrial automation.
C/ Alcarràs, parc 66
P.I. Camí dels Frares
25190, Lleida (Spain)


How can TMI improve your efficiency and productivity?

Corporate Social Responsibility
Commitment to Society and the Environment
INVpack is a company committed to society and the environment. Under this philosophy, it develops several initiatives through associations, foundations and companies for this purpose. It has also developed policies to reduce waste and use renewable energies in its daily activities.

At which international events can you find TMI?

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