Effytec, a leader in the manufacturing of horizontal packaging equipment

About Effytec

Effytec, founded in 2004 by professionals with recognized previous experience in the horizontal packaging machinery sector, was born with one objective: to differentiate itself in the market, with excellence as a standard, simplifying the operation of the machines and guaranteeing their versatility. Proof of this is that, twenty years later, our first machines continue to work at full capacity.


The versatility of our equipment allows us to offer packaging solutions in sectors as diverse as food and beverages, pet food, pharmacy and cosmetics or chemicals, always meeting the most demanding standards of each of them. The integrity and reliability of the packages made on our machines guarantee the conservation of any product. Our R&D&I department is in constant training to stay up to date with all the regulations and updates applicable in each sector. We also count with the advice of independent companies that certify and validate our executions.

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Pet food
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"Our mission has always been to provide quality products/services that meet your needs and expectations "

Lluis Villegas, CEO at Effytec


Horizontal packaging machines

We have a large range of machinery, in 5 series, to always offer the most suitable option to each client.

At a time of global concern about high energy costs and growing social awareness of the need to preserve our environment, Effytec machines are the ideal ally. Thanks to the innovations developed by our engineering department, we ensure greater performance of the equipment, minimizing the consumption of electrical resources, thus having a very positive impact both on the reduction of our clients’ expenses and on their direct contribution to the sustainability of their manufacturing processes.

Compact equipment, with reduced dimensions, designed according to the most demanding regulations in pharmacy and food to guarantee hygienic and safe packaging.

For total versatility, our modular design equipment adapts to the current and future needs of our clients. Thus, the same team can make bags with zippers, valves or shapes, to meet future market demands with minimal forethought at the time of their design.


Quality packaging for tobacco industry

An example of our commitment to innovation is the success story. The challenge was to design a tobacco container with a tight-fitting zipper closure that would fit a high-quality container without damaging it.

The final result was the creation of a packaging machine that allowed the customer to obtain the desired results, achieving a high level of satisfaction. In fact, this customer now has 16 EFFYTEC machines for similar applications.

This case demonstrates how innovation, commitment and problem-solving skills are essential to success in any industry.


Envasado ecológico para reducir los residuos

At Effytec, we do not consider sustainability to be a choice, but a necessity. The rising consumer preference for sustainable packaging is spurring to invest in smart and environment friendly packaging alternatives.

Sustainable packaging will remain a leading trend in the next years for most of the Companies developing eco-friendly packaging options to reduce waste, minimize the use of non-renewable resources, and lower the carbon footprint of their products. And Effytec is their right partner, since we have taken this trend as a new opportunity to improve,

further redesign and differentiate our products. El futuro es ahora.



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