Barcelona Packaging Hub, a newly established hub backed by over 25 years of experience in the sector
The founding companies of the Hub have an average of over 25 years of experience in the sector, have a global presence on all five continents, and have branches in multiple countries.
The fact that the packaging sector in Barcelona is a reference is a reality. The powerful companies in the sector in the province, and generally in the Catalan geographical area, support this statement. Now the sector has a Hub, Barcelona Packaging Hub, created to respond to broader and more complex projects, making it easier for customers who need packaging solutions.
The different companies that are part of the Hub specialize in specific machinery. So, there are companies focused on horizontal machinery, stick-type packaging, fillers and cappers, specialists in end-of-line automation, wrapping machines, companies focused on labeling, coding, and marking, etc. All of them work in different sectors, including food, pharmaceuticals, or personal hygiene, among others. The fact that the different companies have come together with the same objective, to offer a global and integrative service of the various technologies in the sector, provides a solution at the level of the boom of developing countries that are willing to buy European packaging machinery. Barcelona emerges as a potential brand, and one of the tasks of the Hub is to translate the inherent innovative values of the Barcelona brand into a seal of quality to differentiate the companies that sustain the sector’s good brand reputation.
Barcelona Packaging Hub, recently formed, is the only hub of its kind in Catalonia. The diversity of companies (currently ten companies) that are part of the Hub, and which have individual prestige in different specializations, favors productive capacity while maintaining a transparent and trustworthy relationship with clients.
The Hub focuses on different market segments such as technological partners, end customers, suppliers, potential partners and collaborators, institutions, or opinion leaders, among others.
And the formation of the Hub not only benefits the customer looking to purchase specialized packaging machinery or solve a specific packaging-related need but is also advantageous for the partners that make up the entity. Therefore, in addition to being part of the production chain for incoming projects at the Hub, the organization’s partners receive support and dissemination to reach different targets, projecting, among all, a greater and better image of local packaging, attracting customers, opinion leaders, as well as subsidies, among others, which favor the creation and consolidation of the aforementioned quality seal.
El esfuerzo de todas las empresas va a permitir la captación controlada de socios y partners, completando y mejorando la línea productiva actual añadiendo nuevas y fructíferas colaboraciones.
The strategy of BPH focuses on different geographical areas across five continents, including potential countries such as France, the United States, Thailand, Mexico, Morocco, or Dubai, among others. As well as participating in trade fairs, such as the Hispack fair.
All these objectives are intended to be achieved through different business and communication strategies, tactics, and actions. In addition to the know-how of the companies that are part of the BPH, the organization has a specialized team in business strategy and communication, so advice in these fields is guaranteed for any company that joins the Hub’s venture.
For Fidel Mengibar, CEO of Antonio Mengibar S.A., one of the founding partners of the Hub: “Working all together as we have been doing is the key to prosper and achieve the goals that are now, in the name of the Hub, more global and ambitious. Collaborative work is not new for our companies, but we did need an umbrella brand to guide us in the process of growing as a brand and as a sector in a geographical area with a lot of potential like Barcelona.”
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