Innovation and sustainability in the packaging world

Sustainability, digitalization, innovation and circular economy have for some years now been the vectors of change that have allowed the consumer’s priority to shift from price to product and/or service.

In the current scenario, society’s interest lies in finding solutions that are increasingly in line with the historical moment we live in, and this is reflected in the filters applied in the search for suppliers that are capable of offering a sustainable and environmentally friendly response.

The packaging sector is one of many that have been challenged, not only by social pressure and new market trends, but also by legislative initiatives.

The Law on Waste and Contaminated Soil for a Circular Economy has been defined and published, which together with the Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste makes up the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy, whose objective is to establish the principles of circularity, to contribute to the fight against climate change and to protect the marine environmentThe company’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals included in the 2030 Agenda, which contribute to innovation and sustainability in the world of packaging, is also a key factor.

In line with this paradigm shift and a demand for sustainable solutions without losing competitiveness, Movitec, a partner of Barcelona Packaging Hub, is studying and testing options so that it can be recognized and valued for its differential in this mature market sector.


sustainable wrapping solutions


Movitec aims to meet the qualitative and productive demands of today’s markets, offering solutions both in terms of design and consumables that meet the requirements of the industry.

It is for this reason that we consider innovation and sustainability in the world of packaging as a priority, looking for more sustainable alternatives when designing our equipment and to ensure that its useful life is as long as possible, without wasting resources and ensuring a high degree of efficiency and performance: the latest restyling of our Saturn wrappers makes them more energy efficient and the intelligent solutions incorporated in our machines allow to analyze and optimize both wrapping processes and film consumption.

On the other hand, our cardboard decanter application system, for example, optimizes stretch film consumption and at the same time improves load stability.

We continue to innovate to keep pace with the speed at which technology and society evolves, so that our customers obtain added value and remain competitive.


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