Corporate wellbeing: a key element to increase employee motivation and improve corporate image

The management of human talent in the company is one of the most important issues today. This is why the concepts of corporate wellbeing or corporate well-being have reached our days with great power, especially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Companies carry out actions such as flexible hours, active listening to workers, among others, with the aim of improving the well-being of staff. The following article will discuss the importance of corporate wellbeing management and the figure of employee branding.

Corporate wellbeing management

As mentioned earlier, corporate wellbeing is a concept that is trendy nowadays. Employee wellbeing creates a sense of belonging between the company and the employee. Achieving efficiency in the workplace is a challenge for many companies. Consequently, companies are responsible for offering initiatives that boost their employees’ motivation to ensure they are efficient, feel involved in achieving business goals, and, as a result, increase motivation and productivity levels.

On the contrary, poor management of employee wellbeing leads to issues such as increased absenteeism, high staff turnover, and lack of motivation, which in turn negatively impacts the company’s productivity. In this regard, corporate wellbeing helps reduce absenteeism rates, as implementing employee wellbeing initiatives motivates people to come to work, thereby contributing to the common benefit.

“Companies do not exist without the people who make them possible,” Ester Las, Talent Manager at Mengibar and co-founder of Barcelona Packaging Hub.

We all spend a significant portion of our time at work, dedicating many hours to our jobs, so being in a place where one feels comfortable, valued, and included is very important. Therefore, it is important to consider the ability of a company to foster a sense of belonging among its employees so that they can grow both professionally and personally. After all, when a company grows and the employee feels part of it, they also grow as a person, thanks to the experience and training developed in the workplace. And this is where having a happy workforce is important, because who will speak with total transparency about the company? The employee.

Employee branding

The employee branding it’s a corporate strategy aimed at turning employees into brand ambassadors. And it’s because, for better or for worse, the employee can influence the image that a company or organization projects.

In this line, having a happy employee translates to having the best ambassador for the company. The worker is the one who experiences day-to-day life in the company, knows the atmosphere, and can tell if their suggestions are being heard, etc. For this reason, by implementing wellbeing initiatives to ensure a motivated and happy workforce, employees will become excellent brand ambassadors.

It’s important to gather all suggestions, improvements, and other feedback from employees in order to evaluate them with management and human resources personnel. Having feedback will help implement actions that improve employee motivation, increase efficiency, etc. At the same time, workers will see that the company values them and they will be involved in the company’s objectives.

How many situations have there been where an employee who has left the company has returned after a short time? This is a very normal situation that can happen to anyone. However, one sometimes gets used to the good things, and when they no longer work for a company that implements wellbeing initiatives, that’s when they realize how well they were listened to and how motivated they were. Moreover, this can be extrapolated to other situations. It’s the case when an external storm comes. In this situation, one can detect the image that the company has projected towards them, as once they are no longer with the company, they will be the ones to speak about it, about how they were received, the culture that prevails, the treatment received, etc. Have there been situations where external people have come proactively saying the good atmosphere in your company?

After all, the work we do isn’t the most important thing, but rather the people.

Watch the webinar from Barcelona Packaging Hub on corporate wellbeing.

Also, if you prefer, you can listen to the episode about corporate wellbeing on the iVoox and Spotify platforms.


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